01 I don’t foresee any problems (2001) 02 Prometheus Bound (2013 [contains elements from 1992]) 03 Clash (1992) 04 Where else? (2013)
Album: Daylight & Other Myths for Children
Downloads coming soon
Paintings: 4 Burials
A large work, and many variations: Overview: Detail: The theme was then revisited for the artwork for the Dumbass album “Robbing Graves”: Square: Woodcuts: Block:
Album: Making Sense out of Nonsense
01 Bacteria 02 Crux 03 Math1 04 Math2 05 MicroBio 06 Mood for Thought 07 Time Waltz 08 Agreement 09 Secret Song
Album: Synthetic String Quartets
Music composed to fit a traditional form but intended for performance by machines. SSQ1 SSQ2
Album: Europa Recordings
A further exploration of the audio portrait concept begun with Suche. Europa Recordings is an audio photo-album capturing a trip through England and Germany September – October 2002. Selections: Europa 2 Europa 4
Paintings: Some Abstracts 2007-2015
2008-ish: Black & White: 2007 to 2008-ish:
Album: Odds N Sodds
01 All Saints 02 All kind of Perhapses 03 Finding Things 04 Mind Under Matter 05 Moment 06 Under the Stars 07 Lovely Things 08 All Sorts 09 Dusty Hallway 10 Every Day 11 Whalley Abbey 12 All This I Hear 13 From
Album: Suche
“Suche” to locate The installation consisted of slides projected onto a white wall (nature scenes) with sounds in the background. The sounds were 15 second audio captures of various locations (urban environments with lots of machine sounds and various other noise) The audio portion of the installation was also released as a CD. [Right Click… Continue reading Album: Suche
Paintings: 1999-2008
I started painting in 1999. Like my later paintings, my early ones were quite shitty (they are all quite shitty!). Here are a few that –while still shitty– I do still like: